DGK Pellachrom | decorative and marine paints | - Header Section

DGK Pellachrom | decorative and marine paints | - Main Section

DGK Pellachrom | decorative and marine paints | - Main Component


  •  1      

Start in a corner and paint the boundaries of one wall at a time with a paintbrush.

  •  2

Mark out a section of about 0.60m Χ 1.20m  with a roller, by drawing a “W.”

  •  3

Without lifting the roller from the surface, fill in the “W.”

  •  4

Draw another “W” under the first section.

  •  5

Fill in the new “W.”

  • 6

Roll the roller vertically along both sections, since some rollers leave different textures according to the direction the paint has been applied.

  • 7

Start over next to the section just completed and repeat steps 2 through 6.

  • 8

Continue in the same manner with the remaining sections.

DGK Pellachrom | decorative and marine paints | - Bottom info

Calculate the quantity of the paint

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